Debian 11
Introduction to Debian
Debian is a computer operating system composed of software packages released as free and open software under the majority of the GNU General Public License and other free software licenses. Debian GNU/Linux contains the GNU operating system tools and the Linux kernel is a popular and influential Linux distribution. Debian is distributed with access to a repository with thousands of software packages ready for installation and use.
Debian is known for its firm stance on the philosophy of Unix and free software. Debian can be used on a variety of hardware, from laptops and desktops to phones and servers. Debian focuses on stability and security. Debian is widely used as the basis of many other GNU/Linux distributions.
The Debian operating system is a combination of software developed under the GNU license, and mainly uses the Linux kernel, so it is popularly known as Debian GNU/Linux. The Debian operating system which uses the Linux kernel is a Linux distro that is popular for its stability. Taking into account Debian-based distros, such as Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Knoppix, Mint, and so on, Debian is the most widely used Linux distro in the world.
Install Debian 11
The best way to download Debian 11 is by clicking the link I have provided:
Set Repository Global
Data Repository is a place for digital information that includes files, databases that are easy to configure and access by certain parties. Repositories in Linux are used for updating and upgrading needs, both systems and software.
Good to know: Just use one of the repositories above. If you have chosen to use one repository, the other repositories must be deactivated by placing a hashtag "#" at the beginning. If you use more than one repository, errors will occur.
Update & Upgrade Package
To upgrade the repository, we should use the root
user to get full permissions
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