How to Protect the Server From Attacks By Detecting the Network Using Snort
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Snort is a software that functions as an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). Snort is referred to as a packet sniffer that monitors network traffic, examining each packet carefully to detect dangerous payloads or suspicious anomalies. Long a leader among enterprise intrusion prevention and detection tools, users can compile Snort on most Linux operating systems (OSes) or Unix. A version is also available for Windows.
Attack Detection: Snort can detect various types of security attacks, including network attacks that have the potential to damage systems or steal data.
Attack Prevention: With proper configuration, Snort can be set up to prevent attacks before they manage to damage or destroy a server.
Network Monitoring: Snort provides the ability to monitor network traffic in real-time, so administrators can spot suspicious or unwanted activity.
Information Collection: Snort provides reports and information about detected attacks, allowing administrators to perform analysis and respond to the attacks.
Data Protection: By detecting and preventing attacks, Snort helps protect sensitive data stored or processed by servers.
Security Investigation: Snort can be used as a tool to investigate security incidents that occur on a network or server, helping administrators to understand the source of the attack and the steps required to fix it.
Integration with Other Security Systems: Snort can be integrated with other security software, such as firewalls or other security management systems, to increase the overall security defense layer.
nano /etc/snort/snort.conf
nano /etc/snort/rules/local.rules
Make sure the Debian 10- Router has a notification if someone is doing port scanning.